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Dice at Helen of Troy

January 06, 2023

Dice at Helen of Troy

236 Dice concrete cubes at Helen of Troy Lausanne

Last October, Helen of Troy, the global consumer products company, inaugurated its new office for their Europe and Middle East headquarters.

They are located near Lausanne, Switzerland in a new kind of office building created by QoQa: the QG center.

dice concrete cubes
dice concrete cubes

The interior designer commissioned by Helen of Troy fell in love with our DICE modular concrete cubes system.

He wanted to use it to create semi occulting partitions, used for storage and ultra vegetalized. Code name: URBAN JUNGLE.

dice concrete cubes
dice concrete cubes

In response to their request, we developed a complementary module: a large concrete planter that can accommodate enough plants to give that urban jungle effect and that connects to our other Dice system cubes to create a new kind of furniture.

dice concrete cubes
dice concrete cubes

Our concrete cubes

An outstanding order with no less than 236 concrete cubes delivered and installed directly by us… which made us sweat a bit.

The plants were selected and installed by our trusted partner: Acanthe.

dice concrete cubes
dice concrete cubes

It was an excellent opportunity for us to discover the famous QG center. The office building built by the company QoQa, the craziest company in Switzerland as they define themselves.
In addition to hosting, among others, QoQa Brew (Europe’s first tokenised brewery) and the Stamm (a restaurant for unique ephemeral experiences), QoQa has its own offices there and rents out space to other companies, including Helen Of Troy.

They all benefit from the whole ecosystem created by QoQa in this building: coworking space, multimedia production studio, health centre, gym… if you want to know more about the QG center, follow this link.

The project's products